The anti-Albanian platform of the Serbian rulers for the annihilation of the Albanians has found its application over time in all areas of social life. It has had its peaks sometimes in the economic field, sometimes in the political field, sometimes in the religious or military field, but constantly interwoven. Towards the Albanian population and settlements, the police, the army and the Serbian paramilitaries on a large scale, beginning in March 1998 and ending in the spring of 1999, undertook offensives to kill the Albanian population and destroy their settlements. This oppression reached its peak in the months of March - June 1999. At the end of this century, when the world is preparing to enter the third millennium with human and civic achievements, the Albanians of Kosovo suffered a real tragedy: they were faced with macabre atrocities and reprisals as well as before a brutal ethnic cleansing carried out by the police and military forces like never before. For Albanian deportees in Macedonia, Bllaca was a place of hell, where people faced death. The elderly, the sick, the children, tired and exhausted, nauseous and hungry were dark, but they could not find them alive. Bllaca was a human catastrophe of an anti-human policy towards a defenseless people. Bllaca, as such, was condemned by democratic and humanitarian world opinion.
Lulu Paperback: Bllaca ’99
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Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D92TN7HM
Lulu Paperback: Prekaz A Legacy of the Brave:
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